El Health Innovation Outlook es uno de los estudios más completos que se ha realizado en América Latina, en el que se analizan e integran 55 indicadores, para comparar el desempeño de 11 países de la región en dos dimensiones: salud e innovación. En este estudio se destacan los avances de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panamá, Perú, República Dominicana y Uruguay y se identifican los retos y oportunidades para fortalecer sus sistemas de salud.
FIFARMA makes available to all interested parties this platform that streamlines access to open data from reliable sources, to provide a complete picture of health in the region in one place.
This is a space in constant evolution, at the service of national authorities, companies, unions, academics, and researchers.
These data dashboards provide an agile visualization of the main health indicators in three dimensions: country profiles, health indicators and health innovation. This project is a FIFARMA and Innos collaboration for the promotion of transparency and evidence-based decision making.
OPRES monitors and analyzes health policies and regulations in order to disseminate, explain and contribute to their improvement. A deliberation scenario in partnership with Innos.
Understanding the dynamics of the health sector requires analysis, science and in-depth discussions. Learn about the latest reports published by FIFARMA and our strategic allies.
Regulatory reliance facilitates regulatory approvals, allows the use of resources more efficiently, and ultimately serves patients by accelerating access to quality-assured, safe, and effective medicines.
O estudo sobre a Carga Socioeconômica das Doenças na América Latina, desenvolvido pelo Instituto WifOR da Alemanha, utilizou uma metodologia que demonstra que investir na saúde e na geração de países mais saudáveis também cria economias mais saudáveis.
El estudio sobre la Carga Socioeconómica de las Enfermedades en América Latina, desarrollado por el Instituto WifOR de Alemania, ha utilizado una metodología que demuestra que invertir en salud y en la generación de países más sanos también crea economías más sanas.
The study on the Socioeconomic Burden of Diseases in Latin America, developed by the WifOR Institute of Germany, has used a methodology that demonstrates that investing in health and in the generation of healthier countries also creates healthier economies.
Global Trends and Perspectives for Latin America and the Caribbean
A inovação desempenha um papel crítico no avanço da saúde e seus sistemas
correlatos em todo o mundo. Esses avanços permitem que a humanidade enfrente, com
sucesso crescente, desafios globais como a pandemia da COVID-19, desafios regionais
e locais típicos da evolução dos problemas de saúde…
Innovation plays a critical role in advancing health and healthcare systems globally. These
advancements allow humanity to increasingly successfully face global challenges such
as the COVID-19 pandemic, regional and local challenges inherent in the evolution of
health problems…
La innovación juega un papel crítico en el avance de la salud y los sistemas de salud en el
mundo. Estos avances permiten que la humanidad enfrente, cada vez con más éxito, desafíos
globales como la pandemia del COVID-19, desafíos regionales y locales propios de la
evolución de las problemáticas de salud…
Global Trends and Perspectives for Latin America and the Caribbean
Innovation plays a critical role in improving public health and in overcoming global health challenges, and robust intellectual property (IP) rights are key in enabling innovation around the world by providing incentives for innovators to invest research and development (R&D) that produce health innovations.
Though many molecules face reimbursement restrictions and uncertainty surrounding systemic changes exists, Argentina performs better than LATAM regional averages
Though many molecules face reimbursement restrictions and uncertainty surrounding systemic changes exists, Brazil performs better than LATAM regional averages
Though many molecules face reimbursement restrictions and uncertainty surrounding systemic
changes exists, Colombia performs better than LATAM regional averages
Consult the data sources that FIFARMA and its partners make available to researchers, decision makers and authorities in the region.
If you have any questions, comments, or requests for information, please contact our team:
Email: info@fifarma.org