Science and Society: The Path to an Inclusive Future
Science and Society: The Path to an Inclusive Future
By: Andrea Da Pieve
Head LATAM Biogen Latin American South
1. What does science have to contribute to the world?
Science has made great strides in various areas that significantly contribute to improving people's quality of life. Medicine, for example, has evolved in terms of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of serious diseases. In turn, more precise and effective treatments have achieved a significant improvement in the quality of life for those suffering from neurodegenerative, rare, or uncommon diseases.
2. Why is it important for women to study science?
We all agree that the world needs more science to continue evolving; let's look at some data
- In a study conducted by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics in 107 countries between 2015 and 2018, it was found that women represent approximately one-third (33.3%) of researchers worldwide.
- Likewise, according to data collected in 2018 by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics and the 2014 growth-participation matrix (BCG) analysis conducted for the Fondation L’Oréal, there is a significant gap between men and women in terms of doctoral graduates.
- According to this report, in Latin America, the proportion of women in research reaches 45%, significantly exceeding the global average of 29.3%. However, this progress is not without challenges, as Latin American researchers face segregation by disciplines. Although many excel in fields such as social and medical sciences, their presence in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers remains limited.
These data show us the need to promote equitable access to all areas of knowledge, ensuring that women have the opportunity to develop their potential in all fields of research.
La participación de las mujeres en el ámbito científico aporta nuevas perspectivas debido a sus experiencias, contextos y necesidades únicas. Su incursión en las áreas de Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEM) ha permitido incorporar temas y preocupaciones que reflejan las experiencias de las mujeres, lo que ha llevado a la identificación de lo que se conoce como “sesgos de género” o “ceguera de género”. Estos términos se refieren a enfoques que no consideran la diversidad humana, especialmente las diferencias sexuales y de género. Este proceso ha permitido reevaluar teorías, métodos, descubrimientos e incluso desarrollar nuevos productos.
As we said at the beginning, the world needs more science, and science needs more women.
Pursuing careers in science offers numerous benefits for women, both personally and for society as a whole.
Personal and professional empowerment:Participation in scientific fields provides women with the opportunity to develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills, contributing to their empowerment in both the workplace and their personal lives.
Contribution to advancing knowledge:By pursuing careers in science, women have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in various areas, from medicine to technology.
Impact on society:Many scientific discoveries have a direct impact on society and people's quality of life. By participating in scientific research, women have the opportunity to address global issues and contribute to the creation of solutions that benefit humanity as a whole.
Additionally, by pursuing careers in science, it is possible to become role models and sources of inspiration for future generations. The presence of women in scientific fields challenges gender stereotypes and promotes diversity and inclusion in science.
Access to professional and economic opportunities:Careers in science offer significant professional and economic opportunities: access to well-paying jobs, opportunities for professional growth, and the possibility of contributing to the economic development of their communities and countries.
What does it take to study science?
Studying science requires passion, curiosity, and a willingness to make a difference in the world. As a woman and a pharmacist, I have found that passion for knowledge and the desire to contribute to the well-being of others were determining factors in my career choice.
Science requires a constant desire to learn and face challenges, which requires an open mindset, willingness to collaborate with others, knowing that joint effort benefits from the diversity of ideas, perspectives, and experiences—a collaborative mindset, all driven by the desire to make a positive difference in the world.